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Title: PhD

Function: Team Leader, PI

Affiliated entities Sorbonne Université, AP-HP



Following a university degree in Molecular Biology (Bachelor of ESTBA), Molecular Genetics (Diploma of EPHE) and Neurosciences (DEA of UPMC/Paris VI), Mr. Giovanni Stevanin obtained a thesis from Sorbonne University, awarded by the Chancellery of the Universities of Paris in 1998. After a post-doctoral stay at the Institute of Cellular and Molecular Biology of Illkirch and the Civil Hospital of Strasbourg, he was recruited as an INSERM Research Officer in 2000 and promoted to Director of Research in 2006. In 2010, he was appointed Director of Studies Cumulant at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (part of the University of Paris Sciences Lettres) and set up a research group in “Neurogenetics” at the EPHE from 2011 to 2018.

In 2019, he co-directed a research team ("Fundamental and Translational Neurogenetics") of Paris Brain Institute (Paris) and will co-lead the team "Translational Research on Neurogenetic Diseases" of the Institut des Neurosciences Cognitives et Intégratives d’Aquitaine from 2023.

Giovanni Stevanin has developed genetic and functional approaches focusing on hereditary pathologies of the nervous system: ataxia and spastic paraparesis. With his students, he has been directly responsible for the identification of 16 new causative genes in these diseases, and has developed in vitro and in vivo models for promising preclinical tests in many of these diseases. His work has earned him the Jansen Prize of the National Academy of Medicine in 2020. He has been a guest speaker at numerous national and international conferences and has also organized several scientific events in France. In addition to numerous activities evaluating scientific articles and projects, he has been a member of scientific panels for several bodies (Marato-TV3 Catalogne 2014 & 2020, Marie-Curie Post doc of the University of Padua 2015, FRM 2020 & 2021, HCERES 2021, PhD program IMAGINE 2022) and has participated in 17 boards of recruitment of lecturers or engineers and has 23 thesis boards and 3 HDR. He has tutored 10 science theses, 1 pharmacy, and the dissertations of 28 Masters and 8 BTS students. He has directed 5 postdocs, 1 researcher CR2, 1 MCF, 2 ATER, 8 assistant engineers and 4 engineers financed from institutional credits (ANR, university), European (H2020, Erare) or patient associations. Finally, from 2010 to 2021, he set up and directed a Bachelor (L3) level course dedicated to biomedical research to facilitate the conversion of laboratories of medical biology analyses at ESTBA (Paris).



Neurogénétique fondamentale et translationnelle

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