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Welcome to the “news” section of our website, where you'll find all the latest publications on our advances in research (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Charcot's disease, etc.), our upcoming events, etc.

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Rare and early form of Alzheimer's disease: hyperconnect neurons to compensate for the loss ?
In a rare and early form of Alzheimer's disease, Institut du Cerveau - ICM researchers have shown that, surprisingly, connectivity between neurons increases during the initial phase of the disease. This transitional increase would correspond to a...
03.29.2016 Research, science & health
Alzheimer's disease: identification of the immune system's early protective role
For the first time in humans, an imaging study shows an early and protective role of the immune cells of the brain, called " microglial " cells, in Alzheimer's disease. Teams from the Sainte-Anne Hospital Center, from the CEA, from the Saint-Antoine...
03.18.2016 Research, science & health
Dementia or Alzheimer's : a simple test could differentiate them
Patients with fronto-temporal dementia need specific and appropriate medical care. However, this disease is still too often confused with Alzheimer's disease. Clinicians and researchers from Paris Brain Institute and from the Memory and Alzheimer's...
01.22.2016 Research, science & health
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy ©CC BY-SA 3.0
Detect senile plaques to diagnose Alzheimer disease
Several recent studies confirm that the presence of senile plaques or the beta-amyloid protein permit the diagnosis of Alzheimer disease or predictions as to who will develop the disease.
07.23.2015 Research, science & health
Alzheimer disease: identification of a genetic marker
In a recent study of a large sample of Icelanders, researchers identified a correlation between the presence of a mutation on the gene ABCA7 and Alzheimer disease.
05.29.2015 Research, science & health
2 chercheuses
Alzheimer disease, research is advancing at the ICM
Alzheimer disease is a major source of preoccupation. A real issue for public health at a global scale, its socio-economic consequences are important. Synonym for cognitive deterioration, it is difficult to live with for the patient but also his...
08.29.2014 Research, science & health