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Laboratory of Brain Plasticity

Nicolas RENIER
RENIER Nicolas

PhD, Team Leader, PI, INSERM

Team presentation

The Laboratory of Brain Plasticity team aims to develop and use innovative 3D brain imaging technology and genetic tools to:

Main publications
  • Investigating the molecular mechanism controlling the extension dynamics of neuronal processes in the adult brain
  • Generate new knowledge on the interaction of neurons and the vascular system during plasticity processes
  • Develop a 3-D calcium imaging methodology in the animal in correlation with mapping neural markers and whole brain connections.
  • Determining the role of structural plasticity in behavioural changes in mice

Main publications

Team members

Nicolas RENIER
RENIER Nicolas

PhD, Team Leader, PI, INSERM

News from the team

Researcher from Paris Brain Institute wins 2023 European ERC Consolidator grant
The European Research Council (ERC) has just published the list of recipients of "Consolidator grants" for 2023. Nicolas RENIER, a researcher at the Institut du Cerveau, has been awarded this prestigious label.
11.23.2023 Institutional
Deciphering a direct dialogue between the gut microbiota and the brain
Products derived from the intestinal microbiota enter the bloodstream and modulate the host's physiological processes, such as immunity, metabolism, and brain function. Scientists from the Institut Pasteur (a research partner of Université Paris Cité...
04.16.2022 Research, science & health
Projections of nesting-activated neurons throughout the brain, showing the extent of the regions contacted by these neurons. The image is obtained from 3D light-sheet imaging allowing the reconstruction of fibre trajectories in the brain at micrometric resolution.
Discovery of a novel role for an elusive brain region in maternal behaviors in mice
Gestation leads to a modification of brain circuits and behaviors such as nesting within the animal kingdom. The underlying biological, neural and hormonal mechanisms have been unknown until now. In a new study, the team led by Nicolas Renier (Inserm...
02.04.2022 Research, science & health
Mouse brain imaged in 3D by light sheet microscopy
The first complete mapping of cerebral vasculature
Paris, February 13, 2020 – The team of Nicolas Renier at Paris Paris Brain Institute has succeeded in reconstructing the entire cerebral vascular system of mice with unprecedented precision. This work has been conducted in collaboration with...
02.14.2020 Research, science & health
Nicolas RENIER
[Interview] Nicolas Renier, new team leader at the ICM
Nicolas Renier, a new team leader at the Institut du Cerveau - ICM, joined the Institute on the 1st January 2017. His work focuses on changes of connections between neurons in adulthood, using a new technique: 3D brain imaging through light-sheet...
01.26.2017 Research, science & health