Since its creation, Paris Brain Institute has built up a special relationship with its public, with the aim of sharing its advances and research with as many people as possible.
How does the brain develop? What happens when we learn or make decisions? What makes us individual? What research projects are currently underway into epilepsy, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis? What happens in our brains while we sleep? What innovative technologies are used by our teams? What advances are being made by the start-ups incubated at the Institute?
Every quarter, Paris Brain Institute Matinales take you on a morning journey to the heart of research into the brain, how it works and the diseases and disorders that affect it.
Every 3 months, follow live or recorded presentations given by our scientists and experts on a chosen subject: obsessive-compulsive disorders, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Charcot's disease, how the brain works, depression, etc.
During the presentation, you will have the opportunity to ask your questions.
You can find all the live coverage and archives of the Matinales of Paris Brain Institute on our website in the News and Videos sections.
Discover the program
The Matinales program is available on our calendar page. Don't hesitate to consult it.

Watch Les Matinales conferences
To watch the Les matinales conference again (in French), go to the dedicated page.

Paris Brain Institute Les Matinales: the quarterly event that connects you directly with research and the people behind it.
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