Particularly committed to maintaining excellence, Paris Brain Institute has put in place internal and external control procedures to ensure the rigour and effectiveness of its management: membership of the Committee on the Charter of Giving with Trust and the call for an independent auditor.
Paris Brain Institute accounts are made public each year and communicated to donors in a quarterly issue of their newsletter. They are available on the Internet under "Official publications" and are widely disseminated.
Our Control Procedures
Don en confiance
On November 3, 2010, Paris Brain Institute received the approval of the Trust Giving Charter Committee, renewed in October 2022. For more than 20 years, this committee has been responsible for professional regulation of the appeal to public generosity. Its action is based on three commitments: recognised organisations must respect ethical rules, they must abide by collective discipline vis-à-vis donors, and they must accept continuous monitoring of the commitments entered into.
Report of the External Auditor
Paris Brain Institute employs an independent auditor, KPMG, who annually audits and certifies the accounts of the Brain Institute. Find the full report of the 2022 audit on the dedicated space.

Retrouvez le rapport complet de l’audit des comptes sur l'espace dédié.
Cliquez iciSituation financière 2023
Le financement des projets de recherche est caractérisé par la pluralité des sources de financement, avec un ancrage dans une perspective de long terme afin de produire des connaissances et des avancées majeures en neurosciences

En savoir plus sur le modèle économique et la situation financière de l'Institut du Cerveau
Cliquez iciRespect for personal data
Paris Brain Institute treats the personal data of its donors with the utmost care.
Find more information about our policy for the protection of your personal data in the dedicated area.

L’Institut du Cerveau est particulièrement attaché à la protection des données personnelles et au respect de la vie privée de tous les publics avec lesquelles il entretient une relation au travers de tous supports numériques ou papier, y compris via son site internet.
Cliquez ici