Philippe FOSSATI
MD, PhD, Pr (PU-PH), Team Leader, PI, Sorbonne Université, AP-HP

PhD, Team Leader, PI, Inserm
Team presentation
The team led by Liane SCHMIDT & Philippe FOSSATI aims to understand how cognitive control mechanisms integrate external and internal cues and how this integration affects the behaviour of healthy subjects and patients with disorders such as depression and obesity.
The research lines of the Cognitive Control-Interoception-Attention team are:
- The Role of Brain-Body Interactions in Food Decision Making
- Exploring the Role of Motivation in Responses to Medical Treatments
- Understanding cognitive dysfunction in the onset of depression.
Main publications
- Schmidt L., Tusche A., Manoharan N., Hutcherson C., Hare T., Plassmann H. Neuroanatomy of the vmPFC and dlPFC predicts individual differences in cognitive regulation during dietary self-control across regulation strategies. Journal of Neuroscience 2018.
- Nave G., Nadler A., Dubois D., Zava D., Camerer C., Plassmann H. Single-dose testosterone administration increases men’s preference for status goods. Nature Communications 2018.
- Rotgé J.Y., Lemogne C., Hinfray S., Huguet P., Grynszpan O., Tartour E., George N., Fossati P. A metaanalysis of the anterior cingulate contribution to social pain. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci 2015;10:19-27. Highly Cited Paper in Web of Science.
- Delaveau P., Arzounian D., Rotgé J.Y., Nadel J., Fossati P. Does imitation act as an oxytocin nebulization in autism spectrum disorder? Brain 2015; 138:360.
- Schmidt L., Braun K., Wager T.D., Shohamy D. Mind matters: Placebo enhances reward learning in Parkinson’s disease. Nature Neurosciences 2014.
Team members

Philippe FOSSATI
MD, PhD, Pr (PU-PH), Team Leader, PI, Sorbonne Université, AP-HP

PhD, Team Leader, PI, Inserm

Project Sponsor, MD, MCU, PI, Sorbonne Université, INSEAD

Post-doctoral, PI