Initial training is the first stage of education and aims to provide the knowledge and skills needed to enter the labour market. It is aimed at young people at the beginning of their academic career and its duration varies according to the programme chosen, whether it be a BTS, a Bachelor’s degree, a Master’s degree or a Doctorate. Paris Brain Institute is committed, along with its partners, to the initial training of the young people who will become the neuroscience researchers of tomorrow.
Paris Brain Institute offers two initial training programs in Neurosciences at the Master 2 level (iMIND) and at the doctoral level (DIM C-BRAINS), accompanied by scholarships to support students engaged in these courses.
The course of Master 2 iMIND
iMIND (International Mater in Neurodegenerative Diseases) is a selective Master 2 course, the result of a collaboration between Paris Brain Institute and the Masters of Integrative Biology and Physiology – Neurosciences from Sorbonne University.

International Master in Neurodegenerative Diseases
iMIND brings together researchers from Paris Brain Institute, as well as other Neurosciences institutes associated with Sorbonne University, such as the Institut Neuroscience Paris Seine or the Institut de la Vision, to propose teachings aimed at immersing students in current and innovative research themes on the functioning of the brain and its dysfunctions.
Each year, Paris Brain Institute and Sorbonne University offer several scholarships during the first semester for international students wishing to follow the iMIND course.
C-Brains International PhD Programme
On 16 February 2022, the Conseil régional d’Île-de-France voted to create nine new major fields of innovation and research (DIM). The C-BRAINS project, an IMG dedicated to Neurosciences and Cognitive Sciences in Ile-de-France launched in partnership with the Institut du Cerveau, the FNP (Fondation des Neurosciences de Paris) and the CEA, has been selected for funding over the period 2022-2026.

International PhD Programme
One of the main objectives of C-BRAINS is to help train a new generation of researchers in neurosciences and cognitive sciences, while strengthening the attractiveness and visibility of research in Ile-de-France at the highest international level.
Every year, C-BRAINS renews its international doctoral programme for students currently pursuing master's degrees outside France, in order to obtain a doctorate within the scientific and regional scope of DIM. Doctoral contracts are distributed, several of which are made available by the Brain Institute.
This competitive programme will offer attractive remuneration over 3 years, a bonus and help with setting up in Ile-de-France, a budget for equipment/training/missions, an extended training offer and a specific and competitive call for tenders to finance a 4th year thesis.