Quality management is applied in organisations in a variety of fields, with the aim of developing an organisation's practices by formalising them as effectively as possible, in accordance with 7 founding principles:
- Customer focus ;
- Management responsibility;
- Staff involvement ;
- Process approach ;
- Improvement;
- Evidence-based decision-making;
- Stakeholder relationship management.
Since its creation, Paris Brain Institute has been committed to continuous improvement in its operations and to ensuring that its practices comply with regulatory procedures (RGPD, CSP, BPL, BPC, 3Rs rules), ethical standards and the major standards applicable to its field of activity (ISO 9001, NF S96-900, ISO 20387, ISO 26000).
In particular, this approach aims to :
- Increase the confidence of customers (mainly research teams) and other interested parties (patients, relatives, employees, donors, etc.) in the organisation's ability to deliver the expected products and services that underpin scientific advances;
- Identifying and meeting both internal and external requirements, to ensure that all available resources (equipment, staff, technology, information, etc.) are allocated and used effectively and efficiently;
- Guarantee the reproducibility and consistency of operating methods, data and results obtained.
The Institute's quality strategy is based on 3 main principles, inherent to its organisation and the practices of each entity:
Quality management and organisation of the Institute
In October 2018, the institute created the ROQ division: Organisation, Quality and Risk Management is responsible for supporting the various platforms, teams and support functions in implementing and maintaining the quality approach in accordance with specific guidelines. The aim of this support is to ensure that all staff integrate a Quality-Risk Management-Compliance approach into the performance of their duties.
Our quality approach in figures:
- 4 certified entities
- A minimum of 3 audits per year
- A team of 3 people to develop the quality management system
- 2 types of certification obtained (ISO 9001 and NF S-96-900)
Maintaining excellence on technology platforms
Paris Brain Institute has been working for many years to harmonise the practices of its scientific, technological and support (organisational and administrative) departments, by ensuring that they comply with best practice in terms of health, safety and the environment, quality of life at work, social responsibility and the requirements of the ISO 9001 international quality management standard.
The service provision activities of the vectorology (ICV Vectorologie / iVector) and genotyping-sequencing (iGenSeq) platforms have been ISO 9001 certified since 2015*.

In addition, the activities of the Institute's DNA & Cell Bank (reception, preparation, conservation and provision of biological resources) have been certified since 2009 in accordance with the NF S96-6900 standard for French biological resource centres. As part of its drive to continuously improve and optimise its practices, in 2023 the biobank will be upgrading its system to comply with the international standard ISO 20387, which governs international biobanking activities.

The iGenSeq platform has been a member of the IBiSA (Infrastructures en Biologie Santé et Agronomie) Scientific Interest Group since 2021, ensuring the quality of its services and promoting the platform on a national scale. In 2021, iGenSeq also joined the France Génomique network, whose ambition is to maintain French research at a high level of competitiveness and performance in the production and analysis of genomic data.
*Excluding the provision of equipment, as well as chapter 8.3, since the platform does not offer the design and development of products and services.