Consult a specialist
Paris Brain Institute is a research center, not a treatment center. If you have any medical questions or would like to make an appointment for a consultation with your GP or neurologist, please contact the Neurology Department at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital directly, by telephone on 01 42 17 62 05 or by e-mail at
Taking part in a clinical trial
If you would like to take part in any of the clinical trials or research protocols conducted at Paris Brain Institute, please contact your GP or specialist.
It is these doctors who, having detailed knowledge of their patient's situation and access to the list of clinical trials underway at national level, determine whether you are eligible to take part in an ongoing trial protocol.
No request can be made directly to Paris Brain Institute.

Le Centre d’Investigation Clinique (CIC) Neurosciences est une plateforme de recherche clinique dédiée aux maladies du système nerveux. Il est implanté au cœur-même de l’Institut du Cerveau.
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