The Circle of Friends brings together the major donors (individuals, companies, foundations and associations) who commit their generosity (from €10,000 a year) to research on the nervous system.

The primary vocation of the Circle of Friends of Paris Brain Institute is to bring together the most generous donors who accompany this tremendous human adventure to push the limits of knowledge. That is why we propose you to join this circle, YOUR circle, in which we create a special link with researchers to inform you in real time of the major scientific advances and prospects for better treatment and cure of diseases of the nervous system.
Reaching the Circle
Do you wish to participate in a truly extraordinary human and scientific adventure with very high added value? Support a leading-edge institute that has become a world-class centre of excellence in neuroscience? Acting for the future by investing in one of the last terra incognita of 21st-century medical science?
The Circle is open to anyone wishing to commit themselves financially and humanely around our values, among which generosity, efficiency, innovation in the service of the social good.
Paris Brain Institute pays particular attention to the recognition of your involvement and offers many activities and counterparts.

Circle activities: Engage with us for the long term
Bringing You Together and Sharing:
Paris Brain Institute invites you to exclusive meetings and events to give you a preview of all the major information concerning research advances. Breakfasts, private tours or thematic lectures will provide an opportunity to meet scientists, surrounded by some of your peers.
Inform, report:
Paris Brain Institute wants to show you the impact and strength of your commitment. We dedicate specific information letters to you. You will thus have permanent means of knowing the use made of your donations, the scientific results and projects implemented thanks to your support. You will also be the first to receive financial information from Paris Brain Institute, which has already demonstrated transparency and sound management of its resources.
Engaging You:
While your donations are essential to the success of our mission, your role as ambassador is also very important. Becoming a member of the Circle also means mobilizing to raise awareness of the cause of neurological diseases, the complexity of research on these subjects and the central role of Paris Brain Institute. The Circle of Friends is destined to grow; we count on each of its members to make it known and to engage new support, in France and abroad.
The Circle is open to anyone wishing to commit themselves financially and humanely around our values, among which generosity, efficiency, innovation in the service of the social good.
Paris Brain Institute pays particular attention to the recognition of your involvement and offers many activities and counterparts. The donors’ wall is a strong symbol of this: located in the lobby of Paris Brain Institute and updated every year, it pays tribute to all major supporters. Major donors are also mentioned in all Paris Brain Institute activity reports.
To commit to the long term and to support a particular scientific axis or project?
In this case, your donation is allocated to the project to which you wish to contribute. Your name may be indicated in annual reports, not by level of contribution, but by sustained axis. Contact the office of the Circle of Friends for priority projects.
Terms and conditions of donation
Whether you are an individual or a corporate representative, there are many ways to financially support Paris Brain Institute and its projects. You may choose:
- to support the mission of Paris Brain Institute’s research: your donation provides management flexibility that allows Paris Brain Institute to quickly allocate funds for critical research investments
- to commit yourself to support a particular scientific axis or project: in this case your donation is allocated to the project to which you wish to contribute.
The Circle already has a wide variety of companies, demonstrating its ability to form multiple partnerships.
If you wish to support Paris Brain Institute and join the Circle, there is necessarily a solution adapted to your patrimonial and financial situation. The office of the Circle of Friends is at your disposal to provide you with all the specific advice in this matter and thus optimize the effectiveness of your donation.
Tax deductions
Paris Brain Institute has been a Foundation of public benefit since September 13, 2006. As such, donations made are eligible for a tax reduction for French resident donors:
- 75 % of the deductible IFI donation, subject to a limit of EUR 50 000 of deduction;
- 66 % of the deductible gift from IRPP, up to a limit of 20 % of taxable income;
Corporate donations of which can be deducted from corporate profits up to 60 % and up to a maximum of €20,000 or 0.5 % of turnover. If a company makes more than €2 million in cumulative donations per year, then the deduction is 40 %.
Support Research at Paris Brain Institute
You can support the research by donating to Paris Brain Institute.
For philanthropy and research without borders…
Since 2009, the Brain Institute has developed an agreement with Transational Giving Europe, a partnership of European foundations and associations. It allows a donor who has been taxed in one of the partner countries of the TGE to support Paris Brain Institute and to benefit from the tax advantages provided by the legislation of his country of residence.
For more information

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