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The Paris Brain Institute at the FENS Forum 2022

Published on: 07/07/2022 Reading time: 1 min
Logo FENS Forum 2022

The next forum organized by FENS (Federation of European Neuroscience Societies) will be held in Paris from 9 to 13 July 2022. The Paris Brain Institute’s researchers are mobilized for the largest ever symposium on neurosciences in Europe.

Discover the video presentation of the Institute! 


The Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) is one of the largest organizations for neuroscience in Europe. FENS currently represents 44 national and mono-disciplinary European Neuroscience Societies, with nearly 22,000 scientists, from 33 European countries.


FENS promotes neuroscience research to policy makers, funding agencies and the general public, both regionally and internationally. In doing so, it encourages excellence in neuroscience research and facilitates the exchange and networking of neuroscientists within the European Research Area and beyond.


Find all the information about FENS 2022 on their website.


The Paris Brain Institute at the FENS Forum 2022

Dr Claire Wyart (Inserm) and Dr Stéphanie Baulac (Inserm), both team leaders at the Paris Brain Institute, are part of the forum organizing committee. They tell us more about the event.

Find all the posters and presentation of Paris Brain Institute’s researchers here :


Events involving the Paris Brain Institute during the FENS Forum 2022


Saturday 9:

Special Lectures FENS - Nicolas Renier: SL003 - FENS-EJN Young Investigator Prize: Mapping neuronal and vascular networks in transparent brains

02:31 PM - 02:41 PM - Hall B


Special Interest Events SiE03 - Colours of the Brainbow: From ethnic diversity to global inclusion in European Neuroscience – an ALBA-FKNE-YIBRO event


Colours of the brainbow: From ethnic diversity to global inclusion in European neuroscience is a satellite event organized by the ALBA Nework, FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence and the Young International Brain Research Organization (YIBRO). Scientists from all over the world, including Tal Seidel-Malkinson from the Paris Brain Institute, will be participating in this FENS panel on diversity and inclusion in neuroscience.


Sunday 10:

Special Interest Events: SiE05 - Hands-on neuroscience training – What’s next?

12:00-12:45 - Hall B 

Claire Wyart - Director of the Interacting with neural circuits (Cajal Training Programme course)



The Paris Brain Institute organizes three Networking Events


  • NE07 - CURE-ND: a European alliance to combat neurodegenerative diseases

6:45 pm - 8:30 pm - Hall C

CURE-ND or Catalysing a United Response in Europe to Neurodegenerative Diseases, is a new alliance between the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), the Paris Brain Institute (ICM), Mission Lucidity (ML) and the UK Dementia Research Institute (UK DRI). Together these partners embrace a joint effort to accelerate the pace of scientific discovery and nurture breakthroughs in the field of neurodegenerative diseases. Besides bringing together excellent science to accelerate research and improve clinical care, CURE-ND aims to raise global awareness of the need to urgently address the challenge of neurodegenerative diseases, and to lobby for the necessary funding to be committed to research in this area. The partners are calling for a long-term vision and funding of brain research by Europe. During this CURE-ND networking event, a presentation on the CURE-ND alliance will be followed by a panel discussion with a representative from each partner on frontiers in neurodegeneration, aiming at exchanging expertise, promoting scientific collaboration, and building a strong community of neurodegeneration researchers in Europe and beyond.


6:45 pm - 8:30 pm - Hall G 

Javier Zorrilla de San Martin and Marie-Claude Potier from the Paris Brain Institute are organizing a FENS networking event on the current challenge on neurobiology of Trisomy 21. This networking meeting aims to gathering the most salient neurobiologists working in topics related to Down syndrome to foster international interdisciplinary collaborations.


The France Cerebellum Club is a scientific organization whose goal is to promote interactions between scientists interested in the study of the cerebellum in all its modalities (development, cellular, integrative, cognitive and computational neurosciences, pathologies, ...) and using

various methodologies (molecular and cellular biology, genetics, in vitro and in vivo electrophysiology, imaging, behavior, clinical and translational research ...). Alexandra Durr, co-team leader at the Paris Brain Institute will give a talk on the diseases of the cerebellum.



Monday 11:

Special Interest Events: SiE10 - Why fake news is so fascinating to the brain
12:00-12:45 Hall A


Patricia Gaspar, moderator (INSERM, Chair of the FENS Committee for Higher Education and Training, emeritus research director at the Paris Brain Institute)


Tuesday 12:


Patricia Gaspar, emeritus research director at the Paris Brain Institute, chair of a plenary lecture – Plenary lecture 07.


Lecture : Kathleen K. Cho - S167 - Prefrontal parvalbumin interneuron function in cognitive control

04:07 PM - 04:29 PM - Hall C



Two social events organized by Paris Brain Institute:




The FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence gathers early career, independent neuroscience investigators based in Europe and chosen for their scientific excellence, originality, and leadership. One of the Paris Brain Institute’s team leader, Jaime de Juan-Sanz (CNRS), joined the network in 2021. He tells us more about the network et its opportunities. 

Glial Social event, organized by Emmanuelle Huillard, team leader at the Paris Brain Institute

The Spanish, Portuguese and French Glial Cell Clubs are organizing a Glia Social at the Paris Brain Institute (ICM) in Paris during FENS2022 meeting. An interactive historical lecture on myelin will be given by Prof. Boris ZALC (ICM). This event is sponsored by Networkglia and Wiley.

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