HUMBERT Sandrine
Title: PhD, DR1
Function: Team Leader, PI
Affiliated entities INSERM
Trained as an engineer, S. Humbert worked during her PhD on transcription factors (JM Egly, IGBMC, Strasbourg). She then completed two post-doctoral fellowships (LH Tsai, Harvard Medical School, Boston and F Saudou, Curie Institute, Orsay) during which she focused on brain development and neurodegenerative processes. Since 2009, his team (at the Curie, Orsay and Grenoble Institute Neuroscience, GIN) has been combining cellular approaches and mouse model analysis to understand the physiological functions of huntingtin, the protein mutated in Huntington's disease (HD), and to characterize the mechanisms underlying Huntington's disease pathology. She joined Paris Brain Institute to lead a team with Pr A Durr for the next contractual period (starting in January 2025).