Title: PhD, CRCN
Function: Principal investigator (PI)
Affiliated entities INSERM
- Since 2022: Resaerch officer INSERM, Paris Brain Institute, Team ‘FrontLab: frontal functions and pathology’ (Paris, France)
- 2020 – 2021: Post-doctoral research associate, Paris Brain Institute, Team ‘FrontLab: frontal functions and pathology’ (Paris, France), supervised by Emmanuelle Volle.
- 2017 –2020: Post-doctoral research associate, Matthew Rushworth’s lab, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, UK. supervised by Jérôme Sallet.
- 2012 –2016: PhD, Paris Brain Institute, Team ‘Motivation Brain & Behavior’ (Paris, France), supervised by Mathias Pessiglione.
Alizée Lopez-Persem’s researches focus on the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying decision-making and creativity.
More detail on her personal website