The part of the central nervous system in the braincase.
The brain consists of 2 hemispheres, each consisting of 6 lobes plus the cerebellum and brainstem.
The brain controls many functions such as involuntary actions such as breathing, tremors and heart rate, as well as voluntary actions such as movement. It also plays a key role in cognitive functions, creativity, decision-making, emotional expression, sociability, memory, etc.
Together with the spinal cord, the brain is the central nervous system, capable of integrating information, controlling motor skills and performing cognitive functions.
It weighs about 1.3 kg (75% of which is water) and is the best protected organ, partly because it bathes in cerebrospinal fluid, thus reducing the effects of shocks, and partly because it is covered by three envelopes: the meninges. It consumes 15-20% of the energy produced by the body, mainly glucose, a simple sugar supplied in part by food. It is covered by a large number of blood vessels which allow a large supply of oxygen.