BOURET Sébastien
Title: PhD
Function: PI
Affiliated entities CNRS
Since 2011, Sébastien Bouret has been co-leader of the Biologic, Psychological and Computational Motivation Foundations team at Paris Brain Institute. He holds a thesis in neuroscience from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC). He completed a postdoctoral fellowship at UPMC and another at NIMH/NIH in Bethesda, USA.
Understanding the neural processes underlying motivation in primates: how does the brain assign value to a potential reward and how does this influence actions? How do we make an effort? How does the brain coordinate the resulting changes in motivation, including cognitive functions, behavioural adjustments, and autonomous responses? How do these functions differ between primate species?
The research is based on electrophysiological recordings and brain manipulations in rhesus monkeys performing behavioural tasks where they adjust their motivation in response to expected costs and benefits. It also includes a comparative approach to study the relationship between cognition and neurobiology in primates.