Etienne HIRSCH
PhD, Team Leader, PI, CNRS
Stéphane HUNOT
PhD, Team Leader, PI, CNRS
Team presentation
The "Experimental Therapeutics of Parkinson’s Disease" team is interested in understanding the mechanisms behind PD progression and identifying and validating new treatments.
The team is working on the hypothesis that disease progression may be due in part to pathological cellular interaction networks, including neuroimmune interactions.
The 4 main goals of the “Experimental Therapeutics of Parkinson’s Disease” team are:
- To identify the role of protein aggregates (a-Syn and Tau) on microglial cell response and inflammatory polarization.
- Understanding how vascular changes observed in patients modulate neuroinflammation and aggregate "cleansing"
- To define the consequences of progressive dysfunction of non-dopaminergic neurotanning agents on inflammatory polarization and immune cell function
- To identify the role of environmental factors on the modulation of neuroimmune responses and the pathophysiology of PD.
Main publications
- Dos-Santos-Pereira M, Guimarães FS, Del-Bel E, Raisman-Vozari R, Michel PP. Cannabidiol prevents LPS-induced microglial inflammation by inhibiting ROS/NF- B-dependent signaling and glucose consumption. Glia. 2020 68(3):561-573.2. Parillaud VR, Lornet G, Monnet Y, Privat AL, Haddad AT, Brochard V, Bekaert A, de Chanville CB,
- Hirsch EC, Combadière C, Hunot S, Lobsiger CS. Analysis of monocyte infiltration in MPTP mice reveals that microglial CX3CR1 protects against neurotoxic over induction of monocyte-attracting CCL2 by astrocytes. J Neuroinflammation. 2017 21;14(1):60.3. Laurent C, Dorothée G, Hunot S, Martin E, Monnet Y, Duchamp M, Dong Y,
- Légeron FP, Leboucher A, Burnouf S, Faivre E, Carvalho K, Caillierez R, Zommer N, Demeyer D, Jouy N, Sazdovitch V, Schraen-Maschke S, Delarasse C, Buée L, Blum D. Hippocampal T cell infiltration promotesneuroinflammation and cognitive decline in a mouse model of tauopathy. Brain. 2017 140(1):184-200.4.
- Mécharles S., Herrmann C., Poullain P., Tran T.H., Deschamps N., Mathon G., Landais A., Breurec S., Lannuzel A. Acute myelitis due to Zika virus infection. Lancet. 2016 2; 387(10026):1481.5.
- Michel P.P., Hirsch E.C., Hunot S. Understanding Dopaminergic Cell Death Pathways in Parkinson Disease. Neuron. 2016 18; 90:675-91
Team members
Etienne HIRSCH
PhD, Team Leader, PI, CNRS
Stéphane HUNOT
PhD, Team Leader, PI, CNRS
Patrick MICHEL
Project Sponsor, PhD, PI, Framework EPIC
PhD, DR2 emerite, PI, CNRS
Project Sponsor, MD, PhD PU-PH, PI, Sorbonne Université, AP-HP