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Imagerie cérébrale Lubetzki Stankoff

Remyelination in Multiple Sclerosis

From Biology to Clinical Translation

Catherine LUBETZKI
Catherine LUBETZKI

MD, PhD, Pr (PU-PH), Team Leader, PI, Sorbonne Université, AP-HP


MD, PhD, Pr (PU-PH), Team Leader, PI, Sorbonne Université, AP-HP

Team presentation

The team "Remyelination in multiple sclerosis: from biology to clinical translation" is interested in the mechanisms of myelin repair in the brain and spinal cord in multiple sclerosis and demyelinating diseases.

The 5 main objectives are:

  • Investigate mechanisms of myelination, demyelination and remyelination in different species, mice, xenops, humans
  • Selecting and Validating New Remyelinating Molecules
  • Understanding the molecular mechanisms of interaction between immune cells (microglia), myelinating cells and neurons during repair
  • To study in human imaging the different components of the disease (inflammation, degeneration, energy dysregulation, repair), their chronological sequence and their clinical impact.
  • Develop a clinical-bio-radiological stratification of patients, in order to optimize, through a personalized approach, the inclusions in innovative clinical trials.
Main publications

Main publications

Team members

Catherine LUBETZKI
Catherine LUBETZKI

MD, PhD, Pr (PU-PH), Team Leader, PI, Sorbonne Université, AP-HP


MD, PhD, Pr (PU-PH), Team Leader, PI, Sorbonne Université, AP-HP


Project Sponsor, PhD, CR1, PI, INSERM

Photo de Benedetta BODINI
Benedetta BODINI

Clinician, MD, PhD, PH, PI, AP-HP

Photo de Céline LOUAPRE

Clinician, MD, PhD, MCU-PH, PI, Sorbonne Université, AP-HP

Photo de Nathalie SOL-FOULON

Project Sponsor, Pharm-PhD, CR1, PI, CNRS

News from the team

Neurone de la rétine prolongé par un long axone entouré de sa gaine de myéline. Crédit : Annie Cavanagh, Wellcome collection.
Early cortical remyelination has a neuroprotective effect in multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis is a heterogeneous disease whose manifestations vary considerably from patient to patient and whose course appears, on the surface, unpredictable. Hence, it is crucial to identify the factors that drive disability progression. In a ...
04.02.2024 Research, science & health
Têtard de Xénope transgénique chez lequel la substance blanche (myéline) apparaît par fluorescence, en vert. Crédit : David Akbar (plateforme ICM Quant) et Elodie Martin (Equipe Lubetzki/Stankoff).
Multiple sclerosis: a new tool to reduce clinical failure
No treatment currently exists that can stop the silent progression of multiple sclerosis, and many promising drugs have proved ineffective in clinical trials. To reduce this failure rate and better predict the potential of candidate molecules ...
03.03.2023 Research, science & health
Pr Catherine Lubetzki
Prof. Catherine Lubetzki, winner of the Prize Pasteur-Weizmann / Servier 2021
Prof. Catherine Lubetzki, winner of the Prize Pasteur-Weizmann / Servier 2021 for her work on myelin regeneration in the treatment of multiple sclerosis ...
12.09.2021 Institutional
New data on inflammation in multiple sclerosis using PET-MRI
Several studies by Prof. Bruno Stankoff's team "Remyelination in multiple sclerosis: from biology to clinical translation", highlight new mechanisms of brain inflammation in multiple sclerosis, thanks to new imaging tools based on the combination of ...
10.20.2021 Research, science & health
Measure multiple sclerosis progression with a cutting-edge technique
Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory disease of the nervous central system leading to a progressive destruction of the myelin sheath surrounding the axons, essential for their protection and for the transmission of the nerve impulse. Bruno Stankoff ...
11.25.2016 Research, science & health