PhD, PU, Team Leader, PI, Sorbonne Université
PhD, Team Leader, PI, CNRS
MD, PhD, Pr (PU-PH), Team Leader, PI
Team presentation
The team "Dynamics of Epileptic Networks and Neuronal Excitability" explores how the brain becomes epileptic (epileptogenesis), how it produces seizures (ictogenesis) and the relationships between neurophysiological activities and clinical semiology. The team is also exploring extreme brain conditions expressing continuous and abnormal electrical activities (isoelectric state and state of epileptic pain).
The team "Dynamics of Epileptic Networks and Neuronal Excitability" develops a multi-level translational approach, combining in vivo recordings in both epileptic patients and in animal models of spontaneous seizures, from the cortex to the basal ganglia. The objective of our approach is to better define the mechanistic links between the properties of single neurons and large-scale brain dynamics, and to elucidate the different facets of the pathophysiology of focal and generalized epilepsies.
To complement this research, the team is exploring the extreme brain conditions with continuous abnormal electrical activities (from isoelectric status to epilepsy to dying).
Main publications
Schramm AE, Carton-Leclercq A, Diallo S, Navarro V, Chavez M, Mahon S, Charpier S (2020). Identifying neuronal correlates of dying and resuscitation in a model of reversible brain anoxia. Prog Neurobiol. 185:101733.
Lambrecq V., Lehongre K., Adam C., Frazzini V., Mathon B., Clemenceau S., Hasboun D., Charpier S., Baulac M., Navarro V., Le Van Quyen M. (2017) Single-unit activities during the transition to seizures in deep mesial structures. Ann Neurol.;82(6):1022 1028.
Williams M., Altwegg-Boussac T., Chavez M., Lecas S., Mahon S. and Charpier S. (2016). Integrative properties and transfer function of cortical neurons initiating absence seizures in a rat genetic model. J Physiol. (London) 594: 6733-6751. This article was featured at the journal’s perspectives: Polack, P.O. (2016). J Physiol. (London) 594:6439-6751, 2016.
Navarro V., Dagron C., Elie C., Lamhaut L., Demeret S., Urien S., An K., Bolgert F., Tréluyer J.M., Baulac M., Carli P. (2016) Levetiracetam and clonazepam in status epilepticus: A prehospital doubleblind randomised trial. Lancet Neurology 15: 47-55.
Lopez-Persem A, Bastin J, Petton M, Abitbol R, Lehongre K, Adam C, Navarro V, Rheims S, Kahane P, Domenech P, Pessiglione (2020). Four core properties of the human brain valuation system demonstrated in intracranial signals. Nat Neurosci. 23(5): 664-675.
Team members
PhD, PU, Team Leader, PI, Sorbonne Université
PhD, Team Leader, PI, CNRS
MD, PhD, Pr (PU-PH), Team Leader, PI
Dr (MD, PhD), PI, Sorbonne Université, AP-HP
Dr (MD, PhD), PI, Sorbonne Université, AP-HP