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CENSOR: Cellular Mechanisms of Sensory Processes
The team’s objective is to understand how the diversity of biophysical properties and the synaptic density of NMDA receptors influence the dendritic integration of S1 neurons and thus their role in processing sensory information.
Team leader(s) Read moreGutSense : Gut-brain axis communication and physiology
The team "GutSense" is interested in how environmental challenges are calculated by the gut-brain axis and the importance of this calculation for the regulation of our metabolism.
Team leader(s) Read morePreSyn: Molecular physiology of presynaptic function
The team “Molecular physiology of presynaptic function” is studying the mitochondrial dysfunctions that may be responsible for epilepsy.
Team leader(s) Read moreMPP+: Molecular pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease
The team "Molecular Physiopathology of Parkinson’s Disease" is interested in the complexity of Parkinson’s disease and conducts multidisciplinary research projects combining clinical evaluation, neuronal biology and genetics.
Team leader(s) Read morePICNIC: neuropsychology and functional neuroimaging
Consciousness, attention, visual perception and language are complex cognitive functions involving different brain areas and neural networks.
Team leader(s) Read moreMIND: Metabolism, immunity and neurodegeneration
The team aims to elucidate the role of innate and adaptive immune cells in myelin destruction and repair in multiple sclerosis, target innate immunity as therapeutic mediators in neurometabolic diseases, and decipher the code to control macrophage...
Team leader(s) Read moreSIBBIL: Navigation, sensorimotor integration brain & body integration lab
The Navigation, sensorimotor integration brain & body integration lab team is studying neuromodulatory networks originating from the brain or spinal cord and their effects on locomotion and posture. The team is interested in reticulospinal neural...
Team leader(s) Read moreMBB: Motivation, Brain and Behaviour
The team "Motivation, Brain and Behaviour" combines three complementary approaches: cognitive neuroscience in humans, neurophysiology in monkeys and computational modelling, which is essential to quantitatively link the different levels of...
Team leader(s) Read moreALZHEIMER-PRIONS: Alzheimer's disease and prion diseases
The team is interested in the molecular mechanisms involved in the initiation and progression of Alzheimer’s disease and prion diseases.
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