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ANR 2021 call for projects: a record success rate for researchers at the Paris Brain Institute

Published on: 29/10/2021 Reading time: 1 min
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Once again, this year, the researchers at the Paris Brain Institute have met with great success in the generic call for projects of the Agence nationale de la Recherche (ANR, French National Research Agency).

The call for projects of the French National Research Agency funds innovative research projects from all actors of the scientific community, according to four categories: JCJC (Young Researcher), PRC (Collaborative Research Project), PRCE (Collaborative Research Project - Company), PRCI (Collaborative Research Project - International).


19 projects were selected this year, a record rate of 38% for Paris Brain Institute’s researchers.

Congratulations to all the winners for this record success rate, which underlines the quality and innovative nature of the projects conducted at the Institute. This funding is essential for the continuation of our research and is a real gas pedal for the progress of knowledge on the brain and its pathologies.

Prof. Alexis Brice Director General of Paris Brain Institute

Paris Brain Institute's projects selected by the ANR 2021 Generic Call for Projects:


ASCENTSPRCInvestigating a newly identified structural asymmetry of the vertebrateClaire Wyart
BBDMIPRCEBrain Body Digital Musical InstrumentsVincent NAVARRO
CADICIJCJCAn endocannabinoid-induced switch in cortical disinhibitory circuitsJoana LOUENCO
DecoSensoMoL1PRCDecoding sensorimotor integration through cortical Layer 1 microcircuitsNelson REBOLA
DISCOMMODEPRCDissection of molecular and neural circuits underlying impulse control disorders: A translational approachJean-Christophe CORVOL
DUALTRACKJCJCAdaptation vs Interruption: the dual nature of the human medial prefrontal cortexPhilippe DOMENECH
EPIDEVPRCCortical defects: from mTOR activation to neuronal hyperexcitabilityStéphanie BAULAC
FABPRCNon-invasive gene therapy for Parkinson disease: Improve delivery of AAV vectors by single Intravenous delivery combined with Focused UltraSound (FUS).Françoise PIGUET
FIBERSHAPEJCJCUnderstanding how Reissner's fiber in cerebrospinal fluid contributes to posterior axis shape acquisitionYasmine CANTAUT BELARIF
IMMUNE-PARKPRCIExploring immune-related pathways in familial forms of Parkinson’s diseaseOlga CORTI
KETABELIEFJCJCKetamine and belief updating: Neurocognitive mechanisms in the treatment of depressive disorder.Liane SCHMIDT
MOTOMYOPRCMatching motoneuron and myofiber subtypes: from embryonic development to pathogenesisClaire Wyart
NeuroNPPPRCControl of neuronal cell number and fate by the interplay of temporal regulation of Notch activity and post-translational modification of Proneural ProteinsBassem HASSAN
PREDITOCPRCDetection, prediction and monitoring of compulsionsEric BURGUIERE
RADIO-AIDEPRCERADIation-induced neurOtoxicity assessed by spatio-temporal modelling combined with Artificial Intelligence after brain raDiothErapyNadya PYATIGORSKAYA
RELATIVEPRCRelative value learning: computational processes and neural foundationsSébastien BOURET
RESTOREPRCDevelopment of kallikrein-related peptidase 6 inhibitors to treat MSBrahim NAIT OUMESMAR
SocialNeuroNetPRCNeuroimaging of social networks in semi-free ranging monkeysJulia SLIWA
VAMPHEARSPRCDevelopment and Plasticity of the Auditory CerebrovasculatureNicolas RENIER


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