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Jaime DE JUAN-SANZ, team leader at the Paris Brain Institute, selected for the FENS-Kavli Scholars

Last update: 14/08/2024 Reading time: 1 min
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The FENS-Kavli Network (FKNE) is pleased to announce the recruitment of the new 2021 cohort of FENS-Kavli Scholars. In 2014, FENS and the Kavli Foundation announced the FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence: a group of early career, independent neuroscience investigators based in Europe, and chosen for their scientific excellence, originality, and leadership. A new cohort of 15 FENS-Kavli Scholars representing 10 different European countries have now been selected. The new Scholars will join the 2018 cohort, forming am active network of 30 Scholars based representing13 different countries. FKNE Scholars are selected for 2 X 2-year terms, after which they become members of the growing FKNE Alumni.

The multidisciplinary, international network of FENS-Kavli Scholars is self-organised and aims to improve neuroscience in Europe and beyond through scientific exchange, advocacy, and outreach. FKNE Scholars participate in several meetings per year that allow for lively discussion of a range of topics across Neuroscience as well as challenges and opportunities for European neuroscientists. They then put their ideas into action, for example through opinion articles and white-paper recommendations to European stakeholders on funding schemes and other key issues, public engagement, establishing conference childcare grants, and through the delivery of special prizes that are awarded during the FENS Forum for exceptional individuals. These prizes are aimed to shine a light on senior investigators who have shown outstanding examples mentorship, younger scientists who have delivered excellent PhD theses, and for role models who have substantially delivered the advancement of diversity in neuroscience.

“The world is changing –not only has the pandemic altered how we go about research, scientific collaboration, and dissemination; but the importance of neuroscience for the future of brain health is being increasingly underscored across society. At the same time, European neuroscience faces significant challenges in maintaining sufficient investment into blue skies fundamental research, mentoring trainee researchers and students, and empowering early career group leaders to do their best work as autonomously and creatively as possible.“

To help meet these challenges, the FENS-Kavli Network provides a powerful platform for amplifying the voices and reach of a diverse group of early career investigators in support of the wider European neuroscience community.“ -saysDr. Tomás Ryan, Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland; and Chair of the FENS Kavli Network.“The FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence is running since 2014 thanks to the generous support of the Kavli Foundation and in collaboration with FENS. This group of exceptional junior and mid-career neuroscientists from across Europe plays a key role to shape the future of neuroscience as the voice of the next-generation scientists. We are proud of what they accomplished. I am also glad that their vision includes not only the development of excellent science and basic research, the key to progress, but also concerns for the impact of the current crisis and the place of science in the society. I congratulate the new scholars and I am convinced they will enthusiastically be at the front place in research, outreach and advocacy,” says Professor Jean-Antoine Girault, President of FENS.

The names and profiles of all FKNE Scholars are available on the FENS-Kavli Scholars webpage at  

Contact FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence (FKNE): 

Jaime de Juan Sanz  website :

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