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The Paris Brain Institute is looking for its new Chief Executive Officer

Last update: 09/08/2024 Reading time: 1 min
Façade de l'Institut du Cerveau

The Institut du Cerveau – Paris Brain Institute is an internationally renowned neuroscience research institute located in Paris, France, on the campus of the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, providing world class expertise in basic and clinical neuroscience.

The Paris Brain Institute is supported by a private foundation, la Fondation ICM, working in synergy with French public bodies, and committed with Sorbonne Université, CNRS, Inserm and AP-HP on a strong partnership agreement driving both its research (UMR Institut du Cerveau) and IHU (University Hospital Institute) activities.

The dedicated Search Committee welcomes applications from talented individuals with the ambition to lead the Paris Brain Institute to a worldwide leadership position in neuroscience. The Director, who will be a scientist (PhD or MD-PhD) is expected to have a strong scientific leadership, outstanding achievements and international visibility. Commitment to pursue cutting-edge and translational research in her/his field can be considered.

Successful candidates are expected to be appointed in May 2023 for a five-year mandate starting from 1st January 2025. The call is openly advertised worldwide.

The Paris Brain Institute is home to 25 research teams bringing together over 700 personnel, including 200 researchers, 300 research, core-facilities and administrative technical staff and 200 students and post-docs. Paris Brain Institute laboratories use multiscale approaches from different domains. The Paris Brain Institute is associated with clinical neuroscience departments (neurology, psychiatry, rehabilitation, …) of the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital (APHP), as well as with a large network of public and industrial partners. The Paris Brain Institute is dedicated to fundamental, translational and clinical research in Neuroscience, and fosters improved quality of care and education. Moreover, it hosts an in-house clinical neuroscience research center as well as a start-up incubator. The Paris Brain Institute is located alongside 13 National Reference Centers for rare neurological diseases at the Pitié-Salpêtrière.

Candidates are expected to have strong capacity to manage multidisciplinary and multicultural environments (academic and private, basic and translational research, industry, start-up…) and expected to be committed to fund-raising and diversification of resources ;

Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. The Paris Brain Institute is a member of the Alba Network and endorses values of equity and diversity among all its research and support activities.

In case of willingness to lead both the Institute direction and cutting-edge and translational research through team leadership, he/she will be allocated a specific laboratory space and offered opportunities for clinical appointment, if appropriate.

The candidates must not have reached retirement age before the end of the Director's term (December 31, 2029)

Expression of interest must include CV, a bibliography and a two-page statement explaining motivation for being next Paris Brain Institute Director and specific leadership skills and experience you will bring to the position. In addition, up to three letters of professional reference will be required.

Applications must be sent by November 15th, 2022 to:

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