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Visit of the Scientific Advisory Board in the context of the renewal of the research unit

Published on: 06/02/2023 Reading time: 1 min
Visite du Scientific Advisory Board dans le cadre du renouvellement de l’unité de recherche

As part of the renewal of its research unit, which takes place every 5 years, the Brain Institute received last week the members of the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). This is a first decisive step in this strategic evaluation for the Institute.

As every 5 years, the research activities of the Paris Brain Institute are evaluated by the Haut Conseil de l’Evaluation de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur (Hcéres). This evaluation is crucial for the Institute insofar as it will lead to the renewal of its research unit on the basis of its achievements and validate its strategic deployment guidelines for the next 5 years (2025-2029).

In order to prepare for this evaluation, the Paris Brain Institute is receiving this week the members of its Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), an external committee composed of international experts in neuroscience.


Charged with advising the Institute and accompanying it in defining its general orientations, the SAB will submit, after having met with all the research teams that make up the unit, its own evaluation as well as recommendations that will be taken into account for the upcoming evaluation by the Haut Conseil de l'Evaluation de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement Supérieur (Hcéres).

As an independent public authority in charge of evaluating all higher education and research structures, Hcéres accompanies and supports the process of improving the quality of research in France.

The Hcéres evaluation will be accompanied by an evaluation by Inserm and CNRS, partners of the Brain Institute since its creation.

The renewal of the Paris Brain Institute's research unit should be officially recorded in 2024, thereby reaffirming the potential excellence of its current and future projects while consolidating its presence among the international leaders in neuroscience.

Members and invited experts of the Scientific Advisory Board evaluating the candidate teams for the next mandate of the Unit:

  • Pr. Roshan Cools
  • Fiona Doetsch
  • Adrienne Fairhall
  • John Hardy
  • Masud Husain
  • Dimitri Kullmann – Président
  • Eve Marder
  • Elizabeth Phelps
  • Carmen Sandi
  • Erin Schuman
  • Mikael Simons

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