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What are the major differences between PSP and Parkinson’s disease?

Last update: 21/02/2025 Reading time: 1min

Several teams at Paris Brain Institute are working on PSP, directly or indirectly The team of Profs Marie VIDAILHET and Stéphane LEHERICY is studying abnormal movement and brain imaging. Dr. Richard LEVY’s FRONTLAB team is interested in behavioural symptoms related to frontal lobe disease, such as apathy. A study by Drs. Marc TEICHMANN and Antony VALERO-CABRE has identified the beneficial effect of transcranial magnetic stimulation on certain symptoms of PSP. The ARAMIS team of Olivier COLLIOT and Stanley DURRLEMAN is developing artificial intelligence algorithms that would allow earlier diagnosis of PSP by differentiating patients with PSP from other parkinsonian syndromes on the basis of brain imaging.

Major differences

Major Differences Between PSP and Parkinson's Disease


Clinical SignsParkinson's diseaseProgressive Supranuclear Paralysis
Postural Instability (Falls)✔ Delay✔ Precocious
Muscle Rigidity✔ Asymmetrical✔ Symmetrical
Vertical oculomotor disorders
Cognitive impairment (reasoning, attention,...)Inconstructive / Latecomers✔ frequent
Fixed view
Symptoms on both sides of the body✔Asymmetrical✔Symmetrical

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