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Imagerie cérébrale équipe Pessiglione


Motivation, Brain and Behaviour

Portrait Jean Daunizeau
Daunizeau Jean

PhD, Team Leader, PI, INSERM


PhD, Team Leader, PI, INSERM

Team presentation

The team "Motivation, Brain and Behaviour" combines three complementary approaches: cognitive neuroscience in humans, neurophysiology in monkeys and computational modelling, which is essential to quantitatively link the different levels of description. The team is working to understand the brain mechanisms that drive behaviour, both under normal conditions and in neurological and psychiatric pathologies.

Motivation, Brain and Behaviour focuses on the cost-benefit trade-off that drives decisions:

  • Identify how costs and benefits are represented in the brain
  • Explain how the cost/benefit trade-off is mediated by cognitive control
  • Study how this trade-off is biased by emotions and fatigue
  • Characterize how this trade-off is modified by the pathologies and their treatment
Main publications

Main publications

Team members

Portrait Jean Daunizeau
Daunizeau Jean

PhD, Team Leader, PI, INSERM


PhD, Team Leader, PI, INSERM

News from the team

Cognitive fatigue: new insight on biological mechanisms
A study by the Brain Institute (ICM/Inserm/CNRS/Sorbonne University/AP-HP) establishes for the first time the link between the onset of cognitive fatigue and the accumulation of a neurotransmitter called glutamate in a particular region of the brain...
12.11.2022 Research, science & health
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In the brains of procrastinators
A research team from Inserm, CNRS, Sorbonne University and AP-HP at the Paris Brain Institute in Paris just deciphered how our brain behaves when we procrastinate. The study, conducted in humans, combines functional imaging and behavioral testing. It...
10.12.2022 Research, science & health
Decision-making: a new distribution of tasks in our prefrontal cortex?
The team "Motivation, Brain and Behavior", co-directed by Mathias Pessiglione (Inserm) at the Paris Brain Institute, proposes in a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience a new approach to understand how our prefrontal cortex makes decisions.
06.23.2022 Research, science & health
Motivation and apathy: which molecules are at work in our brain?
It’s all about motivation: sports feats, high-risk professions, even going to the museum. How can we define motivation and which molecules are involved ? Mathias Pessiglione and Sébastien Bouret, co-managers of the « Motivation, Brain and Behavior »...
04.20.2017 Research, science & health
En jaune-orangé apparaissent les régions du cerveau qui représentent les jugements de valeur : plus quelque chose nous plaît, plus le signal augmente dans les mesures par IRM fonctionnelle
Can we be manipulated? When taste depends on context
Why do we like a painting or a person? Does our judgement depend only on the intrinsic value of the painting or the person? What if other factors intervene?
07.09.2015 Research, science & health