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Research, science & health

Interneurones. Crédit : UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center.
Stimulating specific neurons in the striatum stops compulsive behaviour
What if we could resist compulsions? These irrational behaviours, particularly common in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), are hard to suppress. At Paris Brain Institute, Éric Burguière's team shows that we can anticipate them and block them ...
09.10.2024 Research, science & health
Les nerfs moteurs présents dans la moelle épinière se projettent vers la périphérie, où ils entrent en contact avec les muscles, formant des connexions appelées jonctions neuromusculaires. Crédit : James N. Sleigh.
Ultrasound show unexpected effects on motor neuron disease
Over the past fifteen years, neurosurgeons have been perfecting a fascinating technique: using ultrasound to temporarily open the blood-brain barrier to facilitate the action of therapeutic molecules in the central nervous system. At Paris Brain ...
09.05.2024 Research, science & health
Un neurone
Rett syndrome: a new gene therapy on the way
Gene therapy could be our best chance of treating Rett syndrome, a neurological disorder that causes severe intellectual and motor impairments. At Paris Brain Institute, Françoise Piguet and her colleagues have looked closely at brain cholesterol ...
07.16.2024 Research, science & health
Lésions d’un patient à l’inclusion dans le protocole (M0) disparues après 2 ans de traitement à la Leriglitazone (M24)
The dual effect of leriglitazone in X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD)
In 2023, the team led by Professor Fanny Mochel (AP-HP, Sorbonne University), a Paris brain Institute researcher, showed that daily dose of leriglitazone slow down the progression of myelopathy in patients with X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy, and ...
06.28.2024 Research, science & health
Une tête de statue de l'île de Pâques sur laquelle sont posées des éléctrodes
A multimodal approach to better predict recovery in patients with disorders of consciousness
When a patient is admitted to intensive care due to a disorder of consciousness—such as a coma—establishing their neurological prognosis is a crucial yet challenging task. To reduce the uncertainty that precedes the medical decision, a group of ...
05.30.2024 Research, science & health
Population de bactéries commensales (en rouge) dans un intestin grêle de souris. Crédit : University of Chicago
The composition of the gut microbiota could influence decision-making
The way we make decisions in a social context can be explained by psychological, social, and political factors. But what if other forces were at work? Hilke Plassmann and her colleagues from the Paris Brain Institute and the University of Bonn show ...
05.16.2024 Research, science & health
New gene therapy for metachromatic leukodystrophy proves effective in mice
Metachromatic leukodystrophy is a rare genetic disorder that mainly affects young children and results in severe neurological symptoms accompanied by a loss of motor and intellectual capacities. At Paris Brain Institute, Françoise Piguet and her ...
04.22.2024 Research, science & health
Neurone de la rétine prolongé par un long axone entouré de sa gaine de myéline. Crédit : Annie Cavanagh, Wellcome collection.
Early cortical remyelination has a neuroprotective effect in multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis is a heterogeneous disease whose manifestations vary considerably from patient to patient and whose course appears, on the surface, unpredictable. Hence, it is crucial to identify the factors that drive disability progression. In a ...
04.02.2024 Research, science & health
La construction de l’attention visuelle mise en évidence au niveau neuronal
The construction of visual attention highlighted at the neuronal level
A giant billboard flashes on the side of a country road. Why does it catch our attention more easily than other details in the landscape? At Paris Brain Institute, Tal Seidel Malkinson, Jacobo Sitt, Paolo Bartolomeo, and their colleagues show that ...
03.26.2024 Research, science & health
Modélisation en 3D
A new model to predict brain development
From the very first weeks of life, countless connections are forged between neurons to ensure the propagation of nerve signals. These connections gradually shape the final architecture of the brain, known as the connectome. Our ability to perform ...
03.08.2024 Research, science & health
méninges de la souris
Mutations that cause meningiomas are widespread in healthy tissues
Sometimes, in healthy tissues, mutated cells are seen that may or may not become malignant tumours. This phenomenon has already been described in the endometrium, oesophagus and epidermis. At Paris Brain Institute, Matthieu Peyre and his colleagues ...
03.15.2024 Research, science & health
Brain dynamics of the « wave of death » highlighted for the first time
When brain oxygenation is cut off for a prolonged period, the electrical activity of the cerebral cortex is quickly reduced to zero. But that’s not the end of the story… Researchers at Paris Brain Institute, coordinated by Séverine Mahon, have shown ...
12.13.2023 Research, science & health