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Here you will find all the key concepts and notions of neuroscience. An essential resource for those who would like to better understand the brain and how it works!

Word of the day
Cavité épendymaire

Canal situé au centre de la moelle épinière et dans lequel circule le liquide céphalo-rachidien.

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Efferent nerve :

A bundle of nerve fibres (neurons) used to transmit information from the periphery to the central nervous system.

Electroencephalogram (EEG) :

Examination to measure the electrical activity of the brain.

Electrophysiology :

The study of electrical and electrochemical phenomena that occur in the cells and tissues of living beings and in particular in nerve fibres.

Encephalon :

Includes brain hemispheres, cerebellum and brainstem.

Endymal cavity :

A channel in the centre of the spinal cord through which cerebrospinal fluid flows.

Epithelial cell :

A type of cell covering the surface of the body (skin) or lining the inside of all hollow organs.

Extradition space :

The area between the dura mater and the braincase.