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Here you will find all the key concepts and notions of neuroscience. An essential resource for those who would like to better understand the brain and how it works!

Word of the day
Cavité épendymaire

Canal situé au centre de la moelle épinière et dans lequel circule le liquide céphalo-rachidien.

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Bacteria :

Microscopic living organisms (microorganisms), most often unicellular, of spherical forms (shells), elongated or rod-shaped forms (bacilli).

Basal ganglia :

The basal ganglia form the deep structures of the brain.

Bioinformatics :

A scientific domain that includes all the computer systems that store and process data from biological research.

Biostatistics :

The scientific process of analyzing data from biological research using statistical tools.

Black substance :

Structure attached to the basal ganglia, rich in dopaminergic neurons.

Brain :

The part of the central nervous system in the braincase.

Brain Hemisphere :

Right or left parts of the brain.

Brain Imaging :

Means all medical imaging techniques that can be used to observe the brain (MRI, Scanner, EEG, MEG-EEG, etc.).

Brain Lobes :

Subregions of the brain.

Brain mapping :

Localization of different brain regions.

Brain stem :

Structure linking the brain and the spinal cord.