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Here you will find all the key concepts and notions of neuroscience. An essential resource for those who would like to better understand the brain and how it works!

Word of the day
Cavité épendymaire

Canal situé au centre de la moelle épinière et dans lequel circule le liquide céphalo-rachidien.

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Cell :

In biology, the cell is the unit that makes up the organs of living beings.

Cell core :

Cell structure containing the cell's genetic material.

Central nervous system :

Structure consisting of the brain and spinal cord.

Centre parasympathetic :

A group of neurons involved in the functioning of the parasympathetic nervous system, activated during rest.

Cerebellar peduncle :

Structure linking the cerebellum to the brain stem.

Cerebellum :

The structure of the vertebrate brain at the back of the skull, below the brain.

Cerebral cortex :

A layer of grey matter on the surface of the brain's hemispheres.

Cerebral parenchyma :

All the cells making up the brain tissue.

Cerebrospinal or cerebrospinal fluid :

Fluid circulating around the brain, spinal cord and cerebral ventricles.

Clinical Trial :

Organised biomedical research carried out on humans with a view to developing biological or medical knowledge.

Cognition :

All mental processes that relate to knowledge.

Cognitive tests :

Tests to assess mental ability.

Corpus callosum :

Structure linking the two hemispheres of the brain.

Corticospinal neuron :

Neuron that transmits information between the brain and the spinal cord.